Front End

Front End

Improve async network state handling with custom React Hooks

In this article, I’ll cover the various states that network requests exist in and show you how to keep request management within custom Hooks. I’ll also walk you through building a small app that employs these Hooks.

Front End

Build a React Multi step Wizard with Formik and React Query

Multi step wizards are a solution allowing complex challenges to be broken down to a list of steps needed to accomplish a goal. Sometimes branching conditional logic is used to narrow the path to be taken by the user..

Front End

Pt 7: Build a CSS-in-JS React App with Styled Components and Priceline Design System

We will learn how to build a feature that progressively displays author information upon interaction. In the course of building this feature, we will learn techniques such as rate limiting using `debounce` and `lodash` and cache memoization to avoid memory leaks and improve performance.

Front End

Pt 6: Build a CSS-in-JS React App with Styled Components and Priceline Design System

Last time around we explored the use of infinite scrolling techniques to improve perceived responsiveness. Today, we will explore skeletal content placeholder screens as a technique for improving perceived app response times. We will also look at action notifications as an effective feedback mechanism.
